Becca’s role as a contributing outlaw is one of bait and distraction. You see, she is so tiny. The family will send her into a situation and people approach her because:
- She’s too small to see from a distance.
- She is deceptively cute.
Once they are within the Circle of Loud, it is too late for these sorry victims. After they get close enough to see that it’s a little girl, they start to realize that a steady stream of chatter has been emanating from Becca. Upon hearing the chatter, you cannot escape it. Upon securing many a crime scene, it has been simple for us to figure out where Becca was standing based on the circle of adults now laying down in the fetal position.
Part of Becca’s issue is she has no idea she is small. She wants to do what the big people (her sisters/parents/strangers) are doing, whether it’s school, gymnastics, or flying the airplane. Much of her constant chatter is questions about what the victim is doing so she can figure out how to do it:
(said just this side of human audible frequency)
Daddy, why are there white stripes on the road? Why do you stay between them? What is that pedal for? How do you turn up the radio? Who is that singing? I can sing see: LAAAA ALAALLAAAAA GANGUM STYLE…What is Gangum Style? Why are you opening the door? Why did you jump out of the car?
You can see how this could paralyze a room full of adults.
Speaking of school, Becca started Pre-K this year, which means she is someone else’s problem for half-a-day. Pre-K seems to have some power over Becca, as it often renders her unconscious on the ride home (“Do you know what I did today? Counted: 1,2,3,4….ZZZZZZZZZZZ”). We have the marshals studying how Pre-K does this in the hopes of applying the method in other parts of Becca’s life.